The HighScope Curriculum's central idea is that children are active learners. In order to gain a deeper understanding of concepts, teachers include five ingredients of active learning: materials, manipulation, choice, child language & thought, and adult scaffolding. Through the use of these ingredients, children gain knowledge in the following content areas:
- Approaches to Learning
- Social and Emotional Development
- Physical Development and Health
- Language, Literacy, and Communication
- Mathematics
- Creative Arts
- Science and Technology
- Social Studies
- English Language Learning
Partners for a Healthy Baby
Social & Emotional Tools
Second Step & DECA
Second Step is a social-emotional supplemental curriculum. Weekly themes help teach skills for learning, empathy, emotion management, friendship skills & problem-solving, and preparing for transitioning to kindergarten.
The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA) is a strength-based assessment and planning tool that focuses on strengthening children’s resilience. Teachers and parents complete the assessment, goals are written, and progress is shared with families at conferences.